有这么一个平台,可以实现让你一边看广告一边赚钱,还能玩游戏和购物,你,心动么? 本期《区块链巴士说》有幸邀请到了Permission的创始人&CEO Charles Silver和石木资本的项目总监 Patrick Jin为我们带来关于“Permission电商平台火爆上线,全网热度直线上升”的主题 【以下为直播内容】 Welcome Charles Silver, and Patrick Jin.Could you please give us a brief introduction of yourself? (大家好,我是Charlie Silver,Permission的首席执行官和创始人。很高兴可以在这里跟大家分享我们的项目。 我一直从事金融和科技领域。 除此之外,我还是Reality Shares的联合创始人,是SEC在美国纳斯达克和纽约证交所交易的5只ETF的SEC注册投资顾问,还是加密货币对冲基金BlockForce Capital的联合创始人。 建立Permission之前,我有两次非常成功的创业经历,并对如何组建一支成功的团队有深入的了解。我的上一家公司拥有超过6000万用户,最终以超过1亿美元的价格将其出售。) 目前我正在负责Permission项目在中国的推广与运营,大家有任何问题欢迎随时与我交流。 Permission is getting famous and the marketplace is coming online this week. Can you give us a brief introduction to permission? Permission.io的使命是致力于帮助个人在电子商务活动中获得时间和数据方面的补偿。 Web 2.0的商业模式由技术巨头驱动。这些科技巨头在我们在线购物或搜索商品时获取我们的数据并从中获利。 Permission is about changing that model. We want to make sure that individuals receive value for their time and data in Web 3.0. That is why we are creating opportunities for people to share their data and earn our cryptocurrency, ASK, while engaging in eCommerce. Permission.io致力于改变这种方式。 我们要确保个人在Web 3.0中能从自己的时间和数据中获得价值。这就是为什么我们为人们创造机会在电子商务和其他场景下赚取我们的代币ASK。 Can you introduce the operation team of permission? 我刚才已经进行了自我介绍。在开发方面,我们有幸拥有世界上最好的工程师。我们的首席技术官Hunter Jensen拥有超过20年的软件开发经验,曾为三星、Salesforce、思科、Avalara等公司构建技术。 Hunter brought to Permission a partnership with Helmes, a leading engineering firm in Estonia. Hunter使Permission与爱沙尼亚领先的工程公司Helmes建立合作关系。 We now have access to more than 800 engineers, including the engineers who built the digital identity blockchain solution for Estonia, one of the most advanced blockchain countries in the world. 我们现在可以利用800多名工程师,包括为爱沙尼亚(世界上最先进的区块链国家之一)构建数字身份区块链解决方案的工程师。 And, we have an incredible research and development capacity with our team of mathematicians, Phds and data scientists who have worked for the world’s top tech companies, including Microsoft, Oracle, EOG Resources and 3M. 此外,我们的数学家、博士和数据科学家团队研发能力非常强,他们曾为微软、甲骨文、EOG以及3M等世界顶尖科技公司工作过。 购物者通过在Permission.io注册成为Permission会员,然后可以通过观看产品视频、参与品牌内容、点击广告和购买10,000多种品牌产品赚取ASK。 Shoppers also earn for providing profile data and referring friends. 购物者还可以通过提供个人资料和推荐朋友赚取收入。 Permission.io is like a decentralized Amazon where you can Earn and Spend crypto Permission.io就像去中心化的亚马逊,你可以赚取和消费数字货币。 Shoppers can spend their ASK on the platform and other sites that accept ASK, over 4000 other eCommerce vendors have the opportunity to accept and use ASK through our partnership with coinpayments. Permission.io also accepts Bitcoin and Ether to purchase goods. 购物者可以在Permission平台和其他接受ASK的网站上消费ASK。通过与coinpayments合作,有4000多个电子商务供应商可以接受和使用ASK。Permisison.io还接受比特币和以太币支付购买商品。 Soon, shoppers will be able to earn and spend ASK on other 3rd-party sites where retailers use ASK to reward their customers. 很快,购物者将能够在零售商使用ASK奖励客户的其他第三方网站上赚取和消费ASK。 What do you think of digital identity and what does that mean for advertising? 数字身份是下一代广告的关键组成部分。它使个人数据能够绑定到经过身份验证的ID。 But, digital identity alone does not solve problems for advertisers because it does not address the problem of data silos. Currently, personal data is trapped in silos, stifling e-commerce advertising and entrenching data monopolies. 但是,数字身份本身并不能解决广告商的问题,因为它不能解决数据孤岛的问题。目前,个人数据被困在存储器里,扼杀了电子商务广告,加强了数据垄断。 Permission has invented deep technology with 9 issued patents that enables us to access and have visibility over personal data that is currently trapped in silos and applications. We connect lots of different personal data sources like social media, email, shopping data and unify it into one wallet where you can earn from it. Permission发明了拥有9项专利的深层技术,使我们能够访问和查看目前被困在存储器和应用程序中的个人数据。我们将不同来源(包括社交媒体、邮件、购物数据等)的个人数据都统一到一个钱包里,并且你可以从中获取收益。 The vast majority of shoppers have a complex, non-linear shopping journey. If you’re an advertiser with siloed tracking, you aren’t getting the full picture. 绝大多数购物者的购物旅程都是复杂的,非线性的。如果你是一个有筒仓式跟踪的广告商,你就得不到完整的画面。 Our ability to connect personal data that is currently in silos allows us to influence and engage with users as they research, compare, and consider different options available to them. Retailers have access to a robust and permissioned data set that allows them to pick up on real-time signals of intent. 我们可以访问目前独立存储的个人数据,这使得我们可以在用户搜索、比较、考虑不同方案时影响他们、并与他们互动。通过这个强大的、被许可的数据集,零售商能够获得实时的意向信号。 区块链巴士:Permission如何扩展? How does Permission scale? Patrick Jin:Our consensus mechanism is Proof of Authority, we’re a fork of Ethereum and operate our proprietary blockchain. 我们的共识机制是建立在以太坊的权威证明上的专有区块链。 The combination of operating our own Permission.io blockchain and deep-tech IP, means we don’t pay transaction costs, can operate efficently and have the capacity as we scale into the millions to serve permissioned advertising that shoppers want to see. 我们自己经营的Permission.io区块链和深度技术知识产权意味着我们不必支付交易成本,可以高效运营,并有能力扩展到数以百万计的规模,为购物者提供他们希望看到的许可广告。 How does permission attract new users and retain them? 我们已经累积了35万个注册钱包的用户,接下来的策略是大力鼓励注册和推荐,让用户看到Permission.io如何在其购买过程中因为不断共享数据来奖励购物者,同时利用强烈的网络效应和受众驱动力。 We will expand by releasing a series of plugins for major eCommerce platforms, Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, etc. that will allow users to earn from shopping on potentially more than five million independent eCommerce retailers. 我们将通过发布一系列主要电子商务平台,Shopify,Magento,WooCommerce等的插件来扩展业务,这些插件将允许用户从潜在的超过500万独立电子商务零售商的购物中获利。 The ability of users to earn ASK on other eCommerce sites allows user scale to achieve exponential growth, creating a powerful network effect. The more users, the more advertisers, the more value, demand and retention for ASK. 用户在其他电子商务网站上赚取ASK的能力允许用户规模实现指数级增长,从而产生强大的网络效应。用户越多,广告商越多,ASK的价值、需求和持有率就越高。 What is the vision of permission? Permission的愿景是让ASK成为电子商务零售商的主要广告选择。零售商部署我们的插件和使用ASK吸引客户将推动转换和增加销售。 Users’ personal data wallet, enriched daily with data from our browser plugin and ASK rewards funded by its use by advertisers create compounding network effects, attracts more users who want to be compensated by more advertisers who see the increase in ROI when you ASK Permission. 用户个人数据钱包、来自我们浏览器插件的丰富数据以及由广告商使用该插件提供资金的ASK奖励,将产生复合网络效应,吸引更多的用户,这些用户希望得到更多广告商的补偿,而广告商请求许可时也看到投资回报率的增加。 We’re investing heavily in marketing ASK globally in US, Europe, Korea, China, and Indonesia initially and will push awareness and adoption of ASK to become a global crypto rewards program working and thriving outside of the Permission Platform. 我们最初在美国、欧洲、韩国、中国和印度尼西亚大力推广ASK,接着会提高ASK的知名度和使用率,使其成为一个在Permission平台之外运作并蓬勃发展的全球加密奖励计划。 Are there any challenges and opportunities in the implementation of permission? 是的,机会是巨大的。我们有机会大规模推广一种简单易用的加密技术,它允许人们在网上购物时将时间和数据货币化。我们考虑许可经济,并将请求许可作为支持这种新型双赢广告模式的工具。 We also have an opportunity to enable permission advertising for eCommerce and give advertisers a significantly improved return on their ad spend. 我们也有机会为电子商务启用许可广告,并为广告商大幅提高其广告支出回报。 Advertisers are currently restricted by ad blockers, bots, data silos and data usage regulations. 广告商目前受到 广告拦截器、机器人程序、数据孤岛和数据使用法规的限制。 We can solve these problems by making it easier for advertisers to engage customers by incentivizing them to interact with their ads. We can help them drive conversions and build loyalty by delivering superior datasets based on permissioned information that advertisers can reach in a highly targeted way. 我们可以通过激励客户使他们愿意与广告互动,从而解决这些问题。我们可以帮助他们提高转化率,并通过为广告商提供经许可的、具有高度针对性的优质数据集来建立忠诚度。 Our biggest challenge is demystifying cryptocurrency and making sure it is so simple and delightful to use that it will go mainstream to be adopted by advertisers and Ad agencies all around the world. They want a solution just like ours, have been crying out for it for years now we need to show them all the benefits that blockchain and ASK can deliver to them and the brands they manage. 我们最大的挑战是揭开加密货币的神秘面纱,并确保可以简单愉快地使用它,使其成为主流,被全世界的广告商及广告代理使用。多年来他们一直想要寻求一个和我们一样的解决方案,现在我们需要向他们展示区块链和ASK能够为他们和他们的品牌所带来的好处。 We are lucky enough to know some of the major players in the US Advertising industry and have signed letter of intent with a global advertising agency that controls 100’s of million of dollars in Advertising spend a year, who can’t wait to start running campaigns soon. 我们非常幸运与美国广告业的一些重要参与者相识,并且已经与一家全球广告公司签署了意向书,该公司控制着每年1亿美元的广告支出。他们迫不及待地要开始这样的活动。 How can users get ASK tokens? What makes up the value of ASK ? 用户在做他们通常在网上做的事情,如观看视频、购物、了解品牌、产品、内容和其他活动时赚取ASK代币。 The value of ASK is driven by the value of the audience. ASK’s value will grow commensurate with the value of the data on the network. ASK的价值是由受众的价值驱动的。ASK的价值将随着网络上数据价值的增长而增长。 It starts with individuals, then grows with merchant advertisers; the larger the audience, the more demand for ASK to reach that audience. 它从个人开始,然后随着商业广告商的增长而增长;受众越大,对ASK的需求就越大。 And it all starts with a simple email sign-up . 一切从一个简单的电子邮件注册开始。 最后感谢本次直播的支持媒体: |